MooseX::Log::Log4perl acts as a nifty simple role to fit your logging needs. Still being a Moose-based role puts some overhead on each call to a logger function. So every call to $self->log->info
needs to run through one additional sub and process arguments if required. To verify this overhead (which can be quite noticable in perl) I added a test to the latest release 0.40 (of course based on the core Benchmark module).
So everyone who wants to help please get it from CPAN or download the tarball and run the benchmark test:
cpan> look MooseX::Log::Log4perl
shell# TEST_MAINT=1 prove -v -l t/99bench.t
This will give you a Benchmark based comparison, which I'd like to see, and also if the current limits are matched (hence the tests all pass).
Head over to my blog for more info and also preferable add comments there, as I check there more often.
Hoping for some submissions...